Now Enrolling New Students 2025-2026
Sacred Heart School is a PK-Grade 8 Catholic School serving the Lancaster area. Sacred Heart successfully reopened during the pandemic and offered students in all grades the opportunity for an in-person, full time education. How?
Our small class sizes and tight-knit community allowed us to implement important safety measures to protect our students, faculty/staff, and families!
Our commitment to academic progress, social-emotional support, and health and safety guided all of our reopening decisions.
Sacred Heart School's tuition assistance program provided financial support for families struggling under pandemic related constraints and provided a safe academic experience for students while our parents were able to continue working.
Our Catholic identity moved us to provide for the needs of Catholic and non-Catholic families seeking an education for life for their children!
Investing in a Catholic school education is an investment in your child's future!
The information below is for the 2024-2025 school year and tuition information will be updated after February 12, 2025 for the 2-25-2026 school year.
It is our desire to make a Sacred Heart education affordable for all families committed to our mission and ministry. The cost to educate is $8000.00 per student. Each family may receive a $2000 discount by applying for financial aid through Simple Tuitions Solutions AND/OR applying to participate in the EITC program. Information to apply for this program will be included in an enrollment folder when you visit the school. Catholic families also receive an additional discount as well as families with more than one child. Families can access additional scholarship funds by completing the the Simple Tuition Solutions and Neumann Scholarship applications.
New Student Registration Fee (Kindergarten – Grade 8) : $110 per child
Current Families Registration fee: $55.00 (per student, non-refundable). After December 9, 2024 fee is $75.00
Preschool Registration Fee: $55 per child
Preschool Tuition Information for our various programs can be found on the Preschool page.
Want to learn more about an education for life at Sacred Heart School?
Would you like to...
schedule a school tour or shadow day?
Schedule a time for your family to take a tour of Sacred Heart School, meet some of our faculty and administration, and learn more about our program. Students are welcome to spend the day in the classroom to see an education for life at Sacred Heart for the whole day.
schedule a personal information session?
Bring family and friends for an information session tailored to your interests and needs. Are you looking for more information on our Gifted Enrichment Program? Would you like to know more about extracurricular activities like Drama or Athletics? Schedule a time for your family or group to come and learn about our particular program offerings.
receive more information from Sacred Heart School?
Complete the form below and we will contact you with more information about Sacred Heart School.